


12 graham crackers
50 grams butter
2 tbsp granulated sugar

400 grams cream cheese
1 dl full fat cream
1 1/2 dl granulated sugar
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1 tsp vanilla sugar

Gör så här

First and foremost you should bring the cream cheese to room temperature and pre heat the oven to 170°c.

Start with the crust. Add the graham crackers to a zip lock bag and crush with a rolling pin until it turns into crumbs (if you have a food processor, you can of course use it to crush the biscuits instead). Melt the butter and combine with the sugar and crackers until it becomes a texture that resembles wet sand. If its's to dry just add some more melted butter.

Take a round cake tin with a removable bottom and grease it with butter. To help with serving of the cake when done, it is good to add a baking sheet on the bottom as well. Put the mixture in your cake pan and press down until it becomes a thin layer at the bottom, but also push up on the edges.

Bake in the crust in the middle of your pre heated oven for about 8 minutes or until golden.

While the crust is in the oven, you can start with the filling. Mix all ingredients, except the cream, in a bowl. Whisk until smooth and fluffy. Beat the cream in another bowl until it forms stiff peaks. Then fold the cream into the cheese mixture and gently mix to not remove too much air.

When the crust is ready, you can set it in the fridge or freezer and let it stand until it has cooled completely. When the bottom has completely cooled down, you can pour in the filling and smooth out the top.

Now your cheesecake is basically done. The only thing that's left is to put the cake in the refrigerator (or freezer if you are in a hurry) and wait until it becomes solid.

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