Oatmeal Creme Pie Guilt Free Protein Rich Dessert Recipe


Orginal https://www.healthkart.com/connect/5-guilt-free-protein-rich-dessert-recipes/bid-4994

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Oatmeal Creme Pie

Almost everyone loved creme pie during their childhood, some relish it even today because of its delicious taste. But the can wreck your diet schedule like any other regular dessert, so why not give a try to its healthy version, which is not only good for your weight loss plan but can also be a great alternative for your kids too.


Blend 1 cup oats, 1 scoop protein shake powder, 1/2 tsp cinnamon and 1/2 tsp baking soda together, Add 1 packet stevia to it once the mixture reaches the consistency of flour
Whisk 1 egg in a medium bowl and then add it to the mixture
Stir in 1/3 cup + 1 tbsp applesauce and 1/4 cup oats to it
Mix everything together
On a greased baking sheet, scoop out 10 cookies
Bake for 8 to 9 minutes at 350 degrees
While cookies bake, stir together 2/3 cup of fat-free Greek yogurt and 1 scoop of vanilla protein powder
Once cookies are done and have cooled, spread 2 tbsp of cream to half of the cookies and use the remain halves to top creme filled cookies
Nutrition Info: Calories: 156, Protein: 13.4g, Carbs: 17.9g, Fat: 3.3

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